Looking for employees or trying to keep your current ones?
We’ve got some ideas for you.
We get it. Attracting and retaining employees these days is a struggle for many businesses. But here at the Economic Alliance we’ve got ideas, solutions, and also some resources for you to consider. We’ve put it altogether here in a handy brochure that you can download.
Talent Hub
Economic Alliance members have access to Talent Hub candidates. Employers can designate employees within their organization to receive the candidate list. This list can be filtered by industry to match your specific needs. Employers can view basic contact information about candidates and have access to their resumes and LinkedIn profiles for direct contact. Your next employee could be waiting for you in Talent Hub!
Workforce Solutions Guide
In this guide you’ll find workforce pipeline ideas and contact information, details on organizations, career fairs, staffing agencies and much more.
If you need personalized assistance, our Workforce Specialist, Laura Seyfer, is standing by to help as well.